Planted Roots
1010062About the design:
This planted creation is a beautiful piece of modern art that can bring life to any wall. Using Vickerman's succulent collection that has many different shapes, sizes and colors gives variation to the design that could be endless. Adding small pops of the color purple with floral elements helps break up the green and brings the eye around the whole design.
About the designer:
Matt Laino
8" Sedum Pick 3/pk
- In Stock: 256
- Future: n/a
- FE171601
6.5" Green/Red Tillandsia Pick 3/pk
- In Stock: 35
- Future: n/a
- FE171701
10.5" Red Tillandsia Pick
- In Stock: 100
- Future: n/a
- FE172001
14" Tillandsia Pick
- In Stock: 191
- Future: n/a
- FE172101
10.5" Green Tillandsia Pick
- In Stock: 1,014
- Future: n/a
- FE172301
29.5" Tillandsia Root 3/pk
- In Stock: 178
- Future: n/a
- FE173301-3
28" Green Succulent Stem 2/Pk
- In Stock: 65
- Future: n/a
- FH180601